The 2013 IFLA Trend Report is not one static document. The resources contained on this platform will continue to evolve as IFLA members around the world add to the discussion.
There are several different ways you can use and contribute to the Trend Report:
Read the Insights Document to get a high-level overview of the five key trends and identify key areas which are relevant to you.
Read the Trend Report 2018 Update to catch up on the development of the identified trends, and learn about the outcomes of community discussion since the 2013 launch of the report. IFLA encourages you sharing any new thoughts, discussions and outputs induced by the update document.
Consult the various background materials which were used to prepare the Top Trends forecast including:
Literature Review – consult a detailed review of over 170 studies, trend forecasts, journal articles and academic papers which look at future trends which have the potential to affect the global information environment.
Expert Papers – learn from the experts and consult short papers submitted in advance of our Mexico expert discussion meeting
Mexico Synthesis – go deeper into the themes that emerged in Mexico and read the sythesised version of the experts’ discussions
Use the Bibliography section to review more detailed resources on specific areas of interest. We’ve used keyword tags to group resources according to their topic.
Visit the Discussion Forum to see what questions the experts have already been discussing, add your own thoughts or start a new discussion.
Use the Insights Document and trends already identified to activate further conversations within your national library association or local library network. Coordinate with IFLA to ensure the outputs of those discussions can be showcased on the Trend Report website.
Last page update: 28 August 2018