Starting in 2012 IFLA has worked with a broad range of experts and stakeholders from different disciplines (social scientists, economists, business leaders, education specialists, legal experts and technologists) to help identify high level societal trends which will affect our future information environment.
In November 2012 IFLA commissioned a comprehensive literature review which surveyed recent studies and reports on emerging trends and compiled an extensive bibliography of relevant documentation which was hosted on the Trend Report online platform in January 2013.
In February ten key experts were then asked to prepare submissions based on these materials to participate in a March round table meeting in Mexico City. Further questions emerging from the round table meeting were discussed via the discussion forum by the expert panel in May, and in June these questions were opened up for wider consultation — See the overview of all experts that contributed to the Trend Report.
In July all these different elements were drawn together to produce an Insights Document emphasising five high level trends. The compiled report was launched at the World Library and information Congress in Singapore on Monday 19 August 2013.
The next stage of the IFLA Trend Report turns the discussion over to the IFLA membership. Take your time to explore the web platform and the resources compiled to date – and learn more about how you can use them. Then we want to hear how the identified trends are affecting your library or your region. What is missing from the report? What would you prioritise for libraries? Find out how you can contribute to the discussion here. Your involvement will enable IFLA to expand the available resources and plan events and activities around the findings of the report.
In August 2016 IFLA launched an update of the of the trend report, which was commissioned by IFLA to analyse and share the results of three years of intensive debate and discussion across the international library community.
Last page update: 8 August 2016