With the launch of the IFLA Trend Report platform and resources behind us, it's over to IFLA members to keep the conversation going! You can host a workshop or a seminar, include the IFLA Trends as an overarching theme at your next conference, or start a conversation on Twitter using the #iflatrends hashtag.
Most importantly, please share the outcomes of your discussions with us here on the Trend Report platform. The platform is designed to bring together outcomes from all the varied conversations around the world. You can write a quick news item, or contribute to the discussion forum, and contribute on social media using the #iflatrends hashtag or through our facebook page.
We've created some tools and key steps to assist you planning your IFLA Trends event:
Get thinking and planning your next event on information trends and their impact on libraries. Contact us with any questions. We look forward to hearing what you have to say!
Last page update: 13 October 2015